引用本文:邬 文 玲1,2.居延新简释文补遗[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(3):46-52
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邬 文 玲1,2 (1.中国社会科学院 历史研究所北京 1007322.出土文献与中国古代文明研究协同创新中心北京 100732) 
中文关键词:居延新简  释文  校补
To Re-decipher Some Characters of New Bamboo Slips from Ju-yan
Abstract:Because of misreading, some current characters of New Bamboo Slips from Ju-yan need to be re-deciphered. Among them, the characters of Number E.P.T16:3 slip should be re-deciphered as “月壬戌以前,自殊死以下(Crimes below the death penalty committed before Renxu day of some month)”, Number E.P.T40:64 as “大聚土,占客在门,所为来者言(Piling soil, divining what the visitor is going to say)”, Number E.P.T43:175 as “□以取妇、嫁女、祠祀、远行、入官、迁徙(It is very lucky to take a wife, marry a daughter, sacrifice, travel, be an official and migrate this day)”, Number E.P.T43:306 as “更始元年正月壬午朔己酉,令史业敢言之:乃戊申直符,谨行视,臧内户封皆完,毋盗贼发者,即日平旦付令史严。敢言之(On the Jiyou day of January of the first year of Gengshi, the clerk named Ye reported: I was on duty on the Wushen day to carefully check around. I confirmed that all the locks of warehouses were in good condition and no thief to unlock. In the early morning, I passed work on to the clerk named Yan. The report is finished.)”, Number E.P.T43:325 as “造史为官署掌(The clerk is in charge of some things of government offices)” and Number E.P.T2:30 as “造令史上造范护自占书功劳……官造令史二月二十日(The clerk Fan Hu titled rank of Shangzao declared his own merits and contribution by himself……he served as a clerk of Jiaqu Command Post for two months and twenty days)”.
keywords:New Bamboo Slips from Ju-yan  characters  re-decipher
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