引用本文:黄宗喜,占 凯.论詹姆逊对当代西方电影的后现代性解读[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(3):99-104
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黄宗喜,占 凯 (湘潭大学 文学与新闻学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:弗雷德里克·詹姆逊  电影文化  后现代性
On Fredric Jameson’s Post-modern Interpretation of Contemporary Western Movies
Abstract:Fredric Jameson thinks that contemporary Western movies are typical mass culture endowed with the post-modern characteristics of image capitalization, false nostalgia, disappearance of central position of subject, etc. The post-modern characteristics of contemporary Western movies result from the consumption environment of late capitalist society, in which movie images are all transformed into consuming commodities without historical depth. Jameson criticizes the deficiency of historical depth, vanishing of subject emotions and destruction of collectivist ethics and values brought by post-modernity of contemporary Western movies. Through criticizing the post-modernity of contemporary Western movies, Jameson means to criticize the cultural logic of late capitalism and anatomizes the social system of capitalism and finds a new way for capitalist society and envisions a Utopian landscape of future life.
keywords:Fredric Jameson  movie culture  post-modernity
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