引用本文:王 进 锋.甲骨文“臣”字形义新释——兼及商代的职官泛称“亚”和“尹”[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(3):112-117
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王 进 锋 (华东师范大学 历史学系上海 200241) 
中文关键词:甲骨文        职官
The Meaning and Shape of the Graph Chen in Oracle Bones and the Titles of Some Political Positions in Shang Dynasty
Abstract:The scholars in the past made mistakes in understanding shape and meaning of the graph Chen in oracle bones. Its right meaning is officer and it looks like ear and nose, which can be demostrated by its use in oracle bones. Chen is a title of position in Shang Dynasty. At the same time, Ya and Yin have similar use in this period. Because of the unclear job title in Shang Dynasty,Chen、Ya、Yin not only exist in the inner regions, but also exist in the outer regions.
keywords:the oracle bones  Chen  Ya  Yin  the political positions
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