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留金腾1,郭鹏飞2 (1. 香港理工大学 专业及持续教育学院香港2. 香港城巿大学 中文及历史学系香港) 
中文关键词:王闿运  《尔雅》  《尔雅集解》  经学  训诂学
A Study of Wang Kaiyun’s Erya Jijie
Abstract:Erya Jijie by WANG Kaiyun is one of the most important works in the studies of Erya. Erya Jijie captures the related commentaries from Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, with succinct and precise explanations, and incorporating sufficient personal insights. Erya Jijie is highly comparable with Shao Jinhan's Erya Zhengyi and Hao Yixing's Erya Yishu. The pattern of Erya Jijie is as follows: 1. composing the introduction before the main content of each chapter; 2. stating the variants of the words in Erya before the commentaries; 3. listing the commentaries of the former scholars before the discussion. There are four ways of annotation in Erya Jijie: 1. identifying the original meanings of the words in Erya; 2. analyzing the true meanings of the phases in Erya; 3. collating the content of Erya among the variant versions; 4. recognizing and analyzing the loan words. There are two outstanding contributions of Erya Jijie: 1. clarifying the variants of Erya and applying the finding into the collation of other Chinese Classics; 2. annotating the Erya by using the content of other Chinese Classics correctly. However, the unearthed Oracle Scripts and the Bronze Scripts proof some of the Wang Kaiyun's annotations in Erya are wrong.
keywords:WANG Kaiyun  Erya  Erya Jijie  Confucian Canon Studies  Chinese Philology
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