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魏朝利,季乃礼 (南开大学 周恩来政府管理学院天津 300071) 
中文关键词:政治制度思想  行为  制度  顾炎武
Text, Behavior and System: Reinterpretation of Gu Yan-wu's Moral Image
Abstract:The moral image of Gu Yanwu was praised by the political system and Taoism since the late Qing Dynasty. Scholars attributed the reason of not to be an official in the Qing Dynasty to the superior moral quality of Gu Yanwu. This interpretation ignores the historical facts that Gu frequently contacted with the Qing-Dynasty, and does not examine the specific reasons for Gu's behavior. To explain the changes of Gu's thought and behavior, scholars should look for the factors in system environment, the Qing Dynasty implemented a series of institution to respect the Confucianism, providing the environment for the contact of Gu Yanwu and the Qing regime. Confucianism is the ideological basis between the Qing system and Gu Yanwu. Gu Yanwu's thought and behavior are realistic, his image should also be concrete and relative, rather than abstract and absolute.
keywords:thought on Political Institution  behavior  institution  Gu Yan-wu
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