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易永卿1,2,陶用舒2 (1.中国社会科学院 马克思主义学院北京 1024882.湖南城市学院 马克思主义学院湖南 益阳 413000) 
中文关键词:陶澍  生平  传说  辨证
Some Ambiguities and Dialectics about Tao Shu's Life
Abstract:There are some different statements or blind spots about Tao Shu's birthplace, birth year, name, the hierarchy of family, marriage, resume of officialdom, works, death and so on. There are also some legends and anecdotes confusing the right with wrong. This paper makes a real conclusion about the biography of Tao Shu by a further investigation.
keywords:Tao Shu  biography  legend  dialectics
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