引用本文:陈文曲,易 楚.现代民事诉讼:全面理性的规范化沟通平台[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(4):133-141
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陈文曲,易 楚 (中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:现代民事诉讼  本质  全面理性  规范化  商谈
Modern Civil Procedure: A Comprehensive Rational and Standardized Communication Platform
Abstract:Modern civil procedure presents the characteristics of equal participation, equal communication and full negotiation. In traditional civil litigation, inquisitional system is devoted to the discovery of the facts, and adversary system pays attention to the participation of the parties through procedural rules. Both of them correspond to one-sided rationality. The discourse litigation mode resolves the tension between the discovery of the truth and the protection of the rights of the parties, which corresponds to comprehensive rationality. In dispute resolution mechanisms, the participants can reach a consensus through adequate dialogues. Though the internal procedure is complete, there is no external procedure to guarantee the process of negotiation and the result of negotiation. Criminal procedure is just the opposite, where the negotiation process and the outcome of negotiations have a strong set of strict rules and the external procedure is complete, but the participants are limited in dialogue and lack of the internal procedure. Modern civil procedure has achieved organic unity both in the internal procedure and the external procedure. This is the embodiment of its standardization and legalization. Therefore, modern civil procedure is a comprehensive rational and standardized communication platform in nature.
keywords:modern civil procedure  nature  comprehensive rationality  standardization  discourse
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