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达妮莎1,李建阁2 (1.大连理工大学 建筑与艺术学院辽宁 大连 1160242.哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 学生发展部广东 深圳 518055) 
中文关键词:非遗微博  传播效果  影响因素
Offline Triggered Online:The Factors of Communicating Effects of Intangible-heritage Micro-blogs and Their Empirical Analysis
Abstract:By the Delphi method, this study calculated the frequency of full score and used the analysis method based on the AHP of Index Number Scale, establishing the evaluation criteria for the intangible cultural heritage micro-blogs. then it, using Arithmetic Average, calculated the Matrix and analyzed the relevant weights of all the indexes and screened out of 34 intangible cultural heritage micro-blogs to assess, showed online behaviors of the intangible cultural heritage micro-blogs originated from the offline activities, showing the characteristics of the online behaviors which were typically triggered by the offline ones; the spread of intangible cultural heritage micro-blogs was only limited among small groups who participated in the activities related to intangible heritages. Accordingly, the ways to disseminate intangible cultural heritage micro-blogs should be expanded through their intermediate, technological and data integration. That is how the synergetic management and service can be achieved in cross-class, cross-regional, cross-system and cross-sector ways.
keywords:intangible cultural heritage micro-blog  communicating effect  factors
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