引用本文:张 星,王建华.眼动追踪技术在我国语言研究中应用状况的CiteSpace可视化计量分析[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(5):107-112
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张 星,王建华 (中国人民大学 外国语学院北京 100872) 
中文关键词:眼动追踪  语言研究  认知
A Visualized CiteSpace Analysis on Eye-Tracking in China's Language Studies
Abstract:Eye-tracking technologies have long been adopted by western researchers in their language studies before attracting Chinese scholars' attention in the 1980s. The past thirty years witnessed a remarkable increase in the application of eye-tracking methods in China's language studies. This article attempts to review this development by employing CiteSpace (an information visualization tool) to identify the research forefronts and map the knowledge domains in China's language studies incorporating eye-tracking methods.
keywords:eye-tracking  language studies  cognitive research
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