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龙翼飞,高一寒 (中国人民大学 法学院北京 100872) 
中文关键词:代理  显名主义  间接代理  隐名代理
On the Breakthrough of Named Principal of the Agency
Abstract:Although "named principal" is the basic principle of China's agency system, exceptions, although the agent does not explicitly list the name of the public agent, the consequences of legal acts are directly attributable to the agent. Such a special case can be summed up as the act of the person involved in the act, the agency of the unnamed agent's name, and the legal act related to the enterprise. In these cases, although the agent does not act in the name of the agent accordingly , it still belongs to the famous agent. The indirect agent is different from the direct one. In an indirect agent, the agent conducts legal action in its own name, and the legal consequences occur between the agent and the relative person of the transaction. The 402nd contract law of China is different from the indirect agent in the German civil law, and the agency system in the English law is not the same. It shows the unique characteristics of our agency system.
keywords:agency  named principal  indirect agency  named agency
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