引用本文:黎 智 洪.大数据背景下地方政府治理工具创新与选择[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(5):143-149
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黎 智 洪 (重庆社会科学院重庆 400020) 
中文关键词:大数据  地方政府  治理工具
Innovation and Choice of Governance Tools of Local Government on the Background of Big Data Time
Abstract:The tools of governance refer to the distinguishable action mechanisms or strategies adopted by the various subjects, which are involved in governance in order to solve public problems and achieve certain governance goals. The innovation and choice of the tools of governance is the key to enhance the governance capability of local governments and promote the modernization of national governance system. Big data bring challenges to local government governance, when it also provides space and path for local government to innovate the tools of governance. For a long time, people have studied the government tools, and formed a more rich management toolbox, which laid a foundation for choosing tools . Holistic tools, networking tools, contract chemicals and so on are the main directions of innovation for local governments in the era of big data. According to the characteristics of different governance tools, we can evaluate and optimize the tools, and then choose the best one.
keywords:big data  local governments  governance tools
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