引用本文:梁锦丽,陈 洪.吴敬梓笔下的儒家理想婚姻模式初探[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(6):113-117
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梁锦丽,陈 洪 (南开大学 文学院天津 300071) 
中文关键词:《儒林外史》  吴敬梓  《诗经》  理想婚姻
A Preliminary Exploration of Wu Jingzi's Confucian Ideal Marriage Modes
Abstract:As a great thinker, Wu Jingzi created the novel Ru Lin Wai Shi which intends to focus on the interpretation of his construction of the ideal marriage mode and the cultural connotations behind the marriage model. This interpretation is mainly from two aspects: first, Wu Jingzi often borrows the words of the protagonist Du Shaoqing to discuss the plot of“Nv Yue Ji Ming”and “Zhen Wei” in the text, which directly explained the Confucian ideal marriage model. Secondly, by describing the daily life and relationship patterns of the two couples, the husband and wife of Du Shaoqing、Zhuang Shaoguang, it visualized the ideal marriage. These two ways are a bright and dark, and the perfect display of Wu Jingzi as a great thinker is how to pour his thoughts into his own literary creation.
keywords:Ru Lin Wai Shi  Wu Jingzi  The Book of Songs  ideal marriage
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