引用本文:徐涤宇,张 路.我国人格法益保护模式之选择与完善——基于比较法模式评析视角[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(6):148-154
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徐涤宇,张 路 (中南财经政法大学 法学院 湖北 武汉 430073) 
中文关键词:人格法益  一般人格权  违法性
Selection and Improvement of Personality Interests Protection in China——Research on Perspective of the Comparative Law
Abstract:There are 5 major protection modes for personality rights and interests from the perspective of the comparative law, namely Tort Law indistinguishable, Tort Law distinguishable, general personality rights, "personality" and generalized protection of personality rights, and framework concrete personality rights. All of them are reflected in China's existing laws and regulations. Tort Law indistinguishable mode lacks the identification of constructive elements for infringement of personality's legal interests. The second mode based on general personality rights has logical and structural issues. And the third mode focusing on framework concrete personality rights is inconsistent with legal situations in our country. The combined mode of Tort Law distinguishable and generalized protection of personality rights should be adopted. On the basis of that, the concept of personality rights and interests, reinforcing constructive elements for illegality, and controlling cited contents and so on shall be clarified to keep improving the protection of personality rights and interests.
keywords:personality interests  general personality rights  illegality
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