引用本文:高 金 萍.开启北京“四个中心”建设新时代——基于2017年度关于北京的国际舆论研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(6):155-160
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高 金 萍 (北京外国语大学 国际新闻与传播学院北京 100087) 
中文关键词:四个中心”  国外主流媒体  北京报道  智慧北京  新发展理念
Launching a New Era of Beijing ‘Four centers’: Research on Public Opinion Analysis of Foreign Mainstream Media Related to Beijing during 2017
Abstract:According to the report of the 19th CPC National Congress, for realizing the goal of "two hundred years" and realizing the Chinese Dream, we should adhere to the new concept of development and strive to achieve higher quality, more efficiency, more fairness and more sustainable development.From the perspective of the international mainstream media, this paper explores the effectiveness and evaluation of the strategic orientation of the "four centers" cities in Beijing during 2017, and analyzes the actions of Beijing on the long March road in the new era. The foreign media generally approve the development of Beijing’s development. Foreign media praise Beijing as the center of exchanges and gatherings of various countries around the world, and foreign media call upon Beijing to further deepen the opening up of the market to Stimulate the vitality of industrial development.
keywords:‘Four centers’  foreign mainstream media  report on Beijing  smart Beijing  new development concept
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