引用本文:杜 保 瑞.不辩高下的儒耶对话——回应黄保罗教授[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(1):16-23
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杜 保 瑞 (上海交通大学 哲学系 上海 200240) 
中文关键词:儒家  基督教  方法论  相对主义
Confucianism and Christianity don’t Argue but Communicate ——Responses to Professor Paulos Huang
Abstract:This paper responds to Prof. Paulos Huang's query about the author's views on the problem of Confucianism and Christianity. The author pointed out that Confucianism is based on Confucian and Mencius’s rational philosophy, which do not talk about ghosts and gods, only about loving the people and governing the country and personal accomplishment. Confucianism has long chosen to abolish the position of supremacy. In personal practice, Confucianism has everything enough. There should be mutual respect for the treatment of Confucianism and Christians. It is impossible to argue with each other in the theory of knowledge. The view of truth in practical philosophy is that all schools are useful, but their uses are different.It is good for every school to do its own affairs.
keywords:Confucianism  Christianity  methodology  relativism
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