引用本文:刘方勇,孙 露,周爱青.人民陪审员只参与事实审机制立法评析——对《人民陪审员法》第二十二条的解读[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(1):128-136
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刘方勇,孙 露,周爱青 (湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:人民陪审员法  参审职权  事实审  法律审
Legislative Evaluation of People's Assessors only Participating in the Mechanism of Fact Trial:Focusing on the Article 22 of People's Assessors Law
Abstract:The article 22 of the People's Assessors Law, in the form of exploratory or experimental legislation,stipulates that the People's assessors shall only participate in the fact review mechanism, it clearly defines the respective powers of judges and People's assessors in the seven-person collegiate bench, and promotes the substantive participation of the people's assessors. However, there are still many problems of the mechanism in practice ,such as how to accurately distinguish between the fact trial and the law trial, how to scientifically determine the scope of application, how to effectively guide the people's assessors and so on. It can be improved by establishing distinction rules and procedures, strictly limiting the scope of applicable cases, and strengthening the judges’ responsibility for guiding people’s assessors.
keywords:the People’s Assessors Law  participation authority  trial of fact  trial of law
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