引用本文:柯 萌.马克思对卢梭哲学中自由困境的克服与超越[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(2):13-18
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柯 萌 (清华大学 马克思主义学院北京 100084) 
中文关键词:自由  道德共同体  历史唯物主义
The Conundrum of Freedom in Rousseau's Philosophy and Marx's Overcoming and Transcending of It
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of freedom in civilized society, Rousseau put forward the concept of “general will” and social contract theory,he hoped that people would build a moral community on the basis of general will and social contract, and they would be free as members of the community that complied with the social contract. However, the moral community is only a utopia lacking universality and realistic feasibility, and this is the conundrum of freedom in Rousseau's philosophy. Marx established the method of historical materialism and set realistic men as the starting point of his philosophy, thus revealed that social practice and the rationalization of social relations is the only way to achieve freedom. In addition, he tried to return to the civil society to explore the causes of the problem of freedom, and negated the scheme of realizing human freedom in Rousseau's political country.Through the thorough criticism of bourgeois private ownership and capital, Marx finally overcame the conundrum of freedom in Rousseau's philosophy.
keywords:freedom  moral community  historical materialism
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