引用本文:王 启 发.元代吴澄对《礼记》篇章整合重缀的价值探析[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(2):106-117
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王 启 发 (中国社会科学院 历史研究所北京 100732) 
中文关键词:礼记纂言  丧服小记  整合  重缀  经学史
The Values and Implications of Re-composition of Liji by Wu Cheng of the Yüan Dynasty: a Case Study of “Sangfu Xiaoji”
Abstract:Liji Zuanyan by Wu Cheng in the Yüan Dynasty included 36 chapters from Liji by a classic scholar Tai Shang in the Han Dynasty, among which 19 chapters were readjusted in the sentences and paragraphs, with re-editing and re-composition in an effort to make it closer to the original editions, and more readable for audience. Wu's re-composition work has been evaluated very controversially. Regarding his contributions and implications historically, it is required to conduct a comparative study and in-depth analysis of the re-composed chapters so as to fully understand Wu Cheng's comprehensive considerations for the re-composition, his logic of re-organization as well as the values and contributions to the classics. We take the most representative chapter, "Sangfu Xiaoji" which was revised maximally, as an example to represent the values and implications of Wu's Liji Zuanyan in Chinese classical history.
keywords:Liji Zuanyan  Sangfu Xiaoji  integration  re-composition  history of classical studies
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