引用本文:龙 念,张广铭,龙 志.青春书写·类型探索·文化表达——革命历史题材影视剧创作新变[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(2):157-160
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龙 念,张广铭,龙 志 (湖南师范大学 新闻与传播学院湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:革命历史题材影视剧  青春  类型  多元文化
Youth Writing · Type Exploration · Cultural Expression——New Changes in the Creation of Film and Television Dramas in Revolutionary History
Abstract:In the recent years, the youth narrative has gradually become an important production mode and creation trend of the revolutionary historical image to integrate the mainstream discourse, building social consensus, and achieving collective identity.The sub-type film and television drama have their youth and idolization was of expressions in terms of narrative themes, character shaping, and image style, and they have been innovatively changed in the construction of types and anti-types. with the help of idol power and fan effect, at the audience level, the mainstream discourse, popular culture and consumerism are achieved. However, how to link youth and revolution, balance mainstream culture and market logic, and innovate and develop type boundaries is still the creation proposition that the subtype revolutionary texts must further explore.
keywords:revolutionary historical theme film and television drama  youth  type  multiculturalism
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