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邓洪波,肖啸 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:书院  玉潭书院  湖湘理学  乾嘉考据学
Hu-Xiang Neo-Confucianism and Regional Academies in the Middle Qing—— via an Analysis of Yutan Academy
Abstract:Due to the gradual reception of western ideas in East Asia and the establishment of absolutely authoritative “scientism”, the Qian-jia Kaozheng tradition has gained good graces in academic circles in modern times. Previous research on the Middle Qing scholarship has been saturated in the norms of this particular system of discourse, which unconsciously takes a philology-centric standpoint and fails to consider the diversity of local scholarship. In Ningxiang County Hunan Province’s, enthusiastic scholars rebuilt Yutan Academy during the Qianlong Period. By means of compiling academy annals, they constructed an academic tradition which integrated regional philosophies with the teaching of Hu Hong and Zhang Shi, while the academy’s pedagogy itself was also thoroughly saturated with Neo-Confucianist ideas.
keywords:academy  Yutan academy  Hu-Xiang Neo-confucianism  kaozheng scholarship
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