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吴钧1,2 (1.山东大学 外国语学院山东 济南2501002.河西学院 外国语学院,甘肃 张掖734000) 
中文关键词:《易经》  卦爻辞  措辞  比喻象征  英语翻译
On the Language Features and Their Translational Strategies of the Book of Changes
Abstract:The study of Yi involves many different disciplines such as philosophy, history, Buddhism, religion, culture, medicine, science and technology. However, it is rare to study it with the connection of literature and literary translation. Yi contains three aspects of the connotations, namely,the characters, images, and implications. The hexagrams are full of rhythmic beauty. The choice of words is concise and implicative with rich connotations. Its theoretical interpretations and the fable stories within are vivid and beneficial. This paper aims at the study of Yi from the perspective of literature and its literary translation, so as to explore Yi’s original thought and a better English translation of it .
keywords:Book of Changes  hexagrams  phrases  figurative symbols  English translation
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