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张景 (江苏师范大学 哲学系 江苏 徐州221116) 
中文关键词:天性  染性  善恶
On the Crux of the Debate on Human Nature in Ancient China
Abstract:The good or evil of human nature is one of the most controversial issues. Different propositions have been put forward by the ancient people, such as good nature, evil nature, non-good and non-evil nature, good and evil nature, mixed good and evil nature. The main reason why there is such a big difference in the understanding of human nature is that some people confuse the acquired nature with the innate nature and equate it with nature. However, some people completely separate nature from sex and ignore the potential of good and evil in nature, thus failing to find the root of good and evil. Only by discussing the difference and connection between the dyed nature and nature can we get a reasonable explanation of the good and evil of human nature.
keywords:nature  dye  good and evil
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