引用本文:陈戍国,陈 雄.从“周因殷礼”到“周文郁郁”——西周宗法礼乐制度的建构[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(4):114-120
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陈戍国,陈 雄 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:周礼  礼制  乐制  礼器
From Learning to Breakthrough—— Construction of Patriarchal Ritual-musical System in the Western Zhou Dynasty
Abstract:Ritual-musical civilization in the Western Zhou Dynasty was an all-encompassing political, educational and cultural system. The construction process of this " system" can be traced back to King Wen of Zhou, the Duke of Zhou in the middle, and then passed on to King Cheng of Zhou. This is a process from being rough to fine and from being simple to complicated. The core of ritual-musical system is the lineal primogeniture and patriarchal clan. The spirit of ritual-musical civilization is "morality", which makes the society hierarchical while achieving harmony and order.
keywords:Ritual  Ritual system  Musical system  Sacrificial vessel
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