引用本文:(中国台湾)萧 登 福.全真道圆明老人所述修性《十马图》试论[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(5):34-40
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(中国台湾)萧 登 福 (台中科技大学 应用中文系台湾 台中 404) 
中文关键词:内丹  修性  牧牛  牧马
On the "Shimatu" by the Quanzhen Taoist Yuanming Old Man
Abstract:For Inner Dan, ape and horse are often used as metaphors for cultivating mind. In fact,in the early days, cattle were used as metaphors, using herding cattle as a metaphor for cultivating one's mind. It originated from the hinayana buddhist classics, from which Chinese zen masters derived the "shiniutu " to express the spiritual and spiritual cultivation process. Taoist Inner Dan had nothing to do with Buddhism, to the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Boduan began to quote zen Buddhism to see the mind to practice nature, so the whole true Taoist Yuanming old man also used the "Shimatu" as a metaphor to repair the nature. Buddhism likes the use of herd cattle as a metaphor, while Taoism likes to use the metaphos of ape and horse.
keywords:nedum  repair  Cattle  wrangler
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