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陈先初,胡慧娥 (湖南大学 岳麓书院 湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:魏源  “师夷长技以制夷”  《海国图志》  《圣武记》
Furter Exploration of Wei Yuan’s View “Learning from the Advanced Countries to Compete with Them”
Abstract:Wei Yuan’s theory of “learning from the advanced countries to compete with them” is inspired by many factors, not only derived from his inheritance and development of traditional foreign ideas, but also directly inspired by Lin Zexu. When compiling foreign historical and geographical data, his thought was also deeply influenced by western ideas. Although it mainly refers to modern western weapons and equipments, advanced technology and military training methods, it also includes its culture, education and political system. Wei Yuan’s theory of “learning from the advanced countries to compete with them” had been paid attention to by the people of the time and had produced some social influence. It had a great echo among his teachers and friends and the "dignitaries", even to the imperial court. Since the Westernization Movement, its influence has been more far-reaching.
keywords:Wei Yuan  the Theory of “Learning from the Advanced Countries to Compete with Them”  Maps and Records of the World  Sheng Wuji
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