引用本文:魏 想,胡晓红.专利实用性要求宽松与严苛之博弈与启示——以加拿大专利“承诺实用性规则”变迁为视角[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(5):153-160
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魏 想,胡晓红 (南京大学 法学院 南京 210093) 
中文关键词:专利实用性  合理预测  承诺实用性  充分披露
Game and Enlightenment of Loose or Strictive Patent Utility Requirements—— From the Perspective of the Change of Canadian Patent Promise Utility Doctrine
Abstract:In 2017, the Supreme Court of Canada in the AstraZeneca case terminated the more stringent utility requirement of patent "promise utility doctrine" established by its case law, and reconfirmed " a mere scintilla utility " test requirements in its Patent Law. This approach conforms to the loose standard of "utility" of invention patents consistently observed by developed countries, which is different from the stringent "utility" rules enforced by most developing countries patent laws. In order to meet the needs of the development of drugs and other chemicals, on the basis of maintaining the model of strict requirements for the "utility" of invention patents, China should introduce the "sound prediction" elements in the "promised utility doctrine” of Canadian patent laws into the "utility" of pharmaceutical patents based on the concept of balance of interests.
keywords:patent utility  sound prediction  promise utility  full disclosure
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