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刘湘溶1,易学尧1,2 (1.湖南师范大学 道德文化研究中心湖南 长沙 4100812.长沙理工大学 建筑学院湖南 长沙 410076) 
中文摘要:儒家道德理论的建构逻辑可以概括为三个原则:道德超越利益、 “人皆有向善之心”和道德是自律的。其中,第一个原则是确立社会道德共识的必要条件;第二个原则是道德力量发挥作用的机制;第三个原则则为道德秩序的自我恢复提供基础。但是在帝制时代,儒家道德思想被改造为以“三纲”为核心的封建礼教,沦为帝制统治的工具,这实际上已经违背了儒家道德思想的初衷。文章进一步分析了东西方社会道德困境的产生原因,并探讨了儒家道德思想及其建构原则对于解决当前道德危机的重要意义。
中文关键词:儒家  道德思想  建构逻辑
A Discussion on the Construction Logic of Confucian Moral Theory and Its Contemporary Enlightenment
Abstract:The construction logic of Confucian moral theory can be summarized as three principles: moral transcendence of interests, everyone has the heart to be good and moral self-discipline. Among them, the first principle is the necessary condition to establish social moral consensus; the second principle is the mechanism of the moral force as to how to play a role; the third principle provides the basis for the self-restoration of moral order. However, in the imperial era, the Confucian moral thought was transformed into the feudal ethics with the core of three cardinal guides and reduced to a tool of imperial rule, which has actually violated the original intention of the Confucian moral ideals. The article further analyzes the causes of the moral dilemma in Eastern and Western societies, and explores the significance of Confucian moral thought and its construction principles in solving the current moral crisis.
keywords:Confucianism  moral theory  construction logic
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