引用本文:邓浏睿, 周子旋.基于“全面二孩”政策下的房价波动、收入水平对生育行为的影响研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(6):71-77
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邓浏睿, 周子旋 (湖南师范大学 商学院湖南 长沙 410008) 
中文关键词:二孩政策  收入效应  抑制效应  Logit模型
The Research on the Impact of Housing Price Fluctuations and Income Levels on Fertility Behavior based on the Universal Two Children Policy
Abstract:Based on the latest CFPS micro-family data in 2016, this paper divides the data of population into two parts: middle and high-income and low-income. The logit model is used to study the inhibiting effect of housing prices and the income effect on the reproductive behavior of families with different income levels. At the same time, in order to avoid the endogenous problem, the author chooses appropriate tool variables. The conclusion of this paper shows that the rise of housing prices has a restraining effect on fertility behavior, among which, the impact on fertility behavior of middle and high-income groups is more significant. For every one hundred yuan rise in housing prices, the number of low-income people having one child decreased by 1.29 percent, and the number of middle and high-income people having one child decreased by 2.66 percent. At the same time, the income effect of house price fluctuation has heterogeneity on the birth of one child and two children. The impact on one child's birth is not obvious, and the impact on the birth behavior of two children is more obvious.
keywords:two-child policy  income effect  inhibiting effect  logit model
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