引用本文:张 伟.汉代和亲诗考论[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(6):94-100
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张 伟 (中山大学 中国语言文学系(珠海)广东 珠海 519082) 
中文关键词:汉代  和亲  骚体诗  琴歌
On the Poems about Making Peace by Marriage in the Han Dynasty
Abstract:There is significant tension of making peace by marriage between the interests of the state and the individual’s destiny, which is one of the important literary themes after the Han Dynasty. Song written by Wu Sun Princess called Liu Xinjun, is the origin of the literature about Making Peace by Marriage. The resentment of the unjust fate and the expression of the desolate state of Mind expressed the author's distinct sense of individual life. The poem inherited and carried forward the tradition of the four and three rhythms at the end of the Warring States. Comparing to other poetries with four and three rhythms of the Han Dynasty, we can understand the development trend of the early seven style poems easily. There were a lot of mistakes about the records of Zhao Jun in the preface of Yuan Kuang Si Wei Ge. In order to attract the audience, the performer added liberal imagination on the basis of historical facts. The poetry imitating Zhao Jun’s tone reflected the characteristics of four style poetries in the Han Dynasty , with great artistic achievements and far-reaching effects on the same themes poetries.
keywords:Han Dynasty  making peace by marriage  poetry in the style of Chu Ci  The Song of Qin
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