引用本文:盖建民,王 昊.上清派“法物”之道教义涵研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2019,(6):107-112
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盖建民,王 昊 (四川大学 道教与宗教文化研究所四川 成都 610064) 
A Study of Taoist Implication of Fawu in the Highest Clarity Sect
Abstract:In the scriptures of Highest Clarity Sect, there are two significations of Fawu. The first one is that the items needed to make covenant with divinities in accordance with the regulations of ceremony; The second is that the items need to be used in the methods of practice Dao. The items in the covenant also named Authenticating object, according to the different scriptures, the corresponding tokens in the shape, material, quantity requirements are also different,The pledge is the expression of the mind, it is the common idea they are all embodied.Fafu and materials in the scribbles are the main objects that are used in the methods of practice Dao , it means that the mind of Number communicates with Dao.There are two kinds of materials needed for the Fu: carrier materials and writing pigments. The different colors of materials correspond to the corresponding wuxing,and three kinds of usage which include lane becomes immortal, call the fairy and restricting the devil. The thoughts of that Numbers communicates with Dao and Colours correspond with Qi are embodied in their production method.
keywords:fawu  dao  mind  qi
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