引用本文:黄渊基 1,2,熊 曦3,郑 毅2.生态文明建设背景下的湖南省绿色经济发展战略[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2020,(1):75-82
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黄渊基 1,2,熊 曦3,郑 毅2 (1.文化和旅游部 中国旅游研究院北京 1000052.湖南科技学院 旅游与文化产业学院湖南 永州 4250003.中南林业科技大学 商学院湖南 长沙 410004) 
中文关键词:绿色发展  生态文明  绿色经济
Green Economy Development Strategy of Hunan Province under the Background of Ecological Civilization Construction
Abstract:From the perspective of economic development, the core of building an ecological civilization and promoting green development is to develop a green economy. Hunan province should unswervingly follow the overall requirements of ecological civilization construction, strengthen the concept of green development, and do a good job in top level design; improue green culture publicity and education, form a consensus among the government, enterprises, and society; build a green industrial system. drive by innovation, promote green technologies; reform the system and mechanism, strengthen the protection and other five aspects, and continuously promote the healthy and sustainable development of the green economy.
keywords:green development  ecological civilization  green economy
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