引用本文:邬 焜1,曹嘉伟 1,2.信息中介论视域下人类认识尺度的相对性——兼论相对真理与绝对真理的辩证关系[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2020,(1):119-126
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邬 焜1,曹嘉伟 1,2 (1.西安交通大学 人文社会科学学院陕西 西安 7100492.西安交通大学 城市学院陕西 西安 710018) 
中文关键词:信息中介论  认识尺度  相对性
Relativity of Human Cognitive Scale from the Perspective of Information Mediation——Also on the Dialectical Relationship between Relative Truth and Absolute Truth
Abstract:The modern information science and information philosophy reveals that the world we face is a complex, object-oriented world in which the dual existence of material and information, and human cognition is essentially an information activity process using information as an intermediary. From the perspective of information activities, it reveals the multi-level intermediation of human cognition processes, and the specificity of the truth scales based on human cognition mediators and the relativity of the value scales with human purposeful active choices conducive to deep understanding and accurately grasping the universality of information, the complexity of human cognition processes, and the dialectical materialism's truth about truth are the correctness of the historical process of dynamic development from relative truth to absolute truth.
keywords:information agency theory  cognitive scale  relativity
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