引用本文:徐 寅 岚.论中国传统插花艺术的立意特性[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2020,(2):96-102
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徐 寅 岚 (1.东南大学 艺术学院江苏 南京 2100002.南京工程学院 艺术与设计学院江苏 南京 210000) 
中文关键词:传统插花  立意特性  天人合一  托物寓情  物随原境
Characteristics of Conception in Chinese Traditional Flower Arrangement Art
Abstract:Chinese traditional flower arrangement art puts interest first and attaches great importance to conception. Starting from the creative motivation of Chinese traditional flower arrangement art, the paper puts aside the basic pursuit of "beauty" in visual art, and extracts from a deeper perspective the ideological characteristics of "harmony of heaven and man, supporting things to convey feelings, and keeping things with the original situation" bred by Chinese traditional flower arrangement art under the influence of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism.
keywords:traditional flower arrangement  the characteristics of conception  harmony of heaven and man  supporting things to convey feelings  keeping things with the original situation
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