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莫梅锋,宋飞颐 (湖南大学 新闻传播与影视艺术学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:社交网络欺凌  旁观者  道德推脱  身份转化
Moral Disengagement and Identity Transformation:A Study of Bystanders in Social Network Bullying
Abstract:In the case of social network bullying , the role of bystanders is particularly critical. The positive or negative transformation of their identity determines the direction of the whole event. Based on the bystander's moral disengagement theory, this paper analyzes the phenomenon of negative identity transformation. By analyzing the reasons behind negative identity transformation and the negative effects it generates, this paper explores the bystander-path to solve the problem of social network bullying.
keywords:social network bulling  bystanders  moral disengagement  identity transformation
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