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(中国台湾)杜保瑞 (上海交通大学 哲学系上海 200240) 
中文关键词:牟宗三  郭象  道家  庄子  老子  《圆善论》  《四因说演讲录》
On the Taoist interpretation of Mr. Mou Zongsan from the book of The Four Causes Theory
Abstract:Mou Zongsan discusses Chinese Taoist philosophy based on Aristotle's theory of the four causes theory in his book The Four Causes Theory Lecture. He firmly believes that there is no intention of substancial creation in Chinese Taoism. He says that Chinese Taoism is a theoretical model that is non-reality and not a necessity. The point is that Laozi's concept of "nothing/Wu/无", although it has the meaning of motive cause, is only a gesture of action. Therefore, there is no real creation of metaphysical meaning, and it is just a “vision-form” metaphysics, rather than a “being-form” metaphysics. In fact, Mou Zongsan interpreted the Taoist practical thesis as a metaphysical thesis, which resulted in the wrong solution. In the book The Perfection of Goodness, Mr. Mou interprets the image of Emperor Yao, the holy king of Confucianism, in Zhuangzi's book by Guo Xiang's theory of "harmony in appearance and nature". It is possible to do so from the standpoint of Confucianism, but it is contrary to that of Taoist Zhuangzi. Therefore, Mr. Mou through neither Confucianism nor Taoism Guo Xiang philosophy, established Confucian philosophy he misinterpreted and suppressed Taoist philosophy.
keywords:Mou Zong-san  Guo Xiang  Taoist  Zhuangzi  Lao-tzu  The Four Causes Theory Lecture  The Perfection of Goodness
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