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任英华,谢佳汇,周金龙,张洁莹 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:商业银行流动性风险  风险传染  万有引力模型  复杂网络
A Study of Commercial Banks’ Liquidity Risk Contagion Based on Complex Network
Abstract:Commercial banks' liquidity risk contagion networks are constructed to study the contagion mechanism and characteristics of its networks under booming and depressed economy. The empirical findings show that, the liquidity risk contagion is hierarchical and is capable of rebounding between commercial banks in different properties; the contagion networks are scale-free in stable economy (high threshold network) while small-world in poor economy (low threshold network); state-owned banks in high threshold networks are vulnerable to be attacked, and joint-stock banks in low-threshold networks are vulnerable; joint-stock banks are contagious and susceptible, and act as the core transfer intermediary of risks. Therefore, under the macro-micro prudential supervision, the monitoring of liquidity risk indicators of commercial banks should be strengthened, and at the same time, attention should be paid to the external business contacts among banks for the sake of preventing and monitoring liquidity risks in time.
keywords:liquidity risk of commercial banks  risk contagion  gravitation method  complex networks
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