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沈文凡,徐婉琦 (吉林大学 文学院吉林 长春 130012) 
中文关键词:辛弃疾  沉郁顿挫  生成机制
The Formation Mechanism of Xin Qi-ji’s  Profound And Forceful Depression  Style Of Work
Abstract:Xin Qi-ji’s work is very imposing and full of frustration. His literary style directly inherited Du Fu,it is because of his enthusiasm, his deep feelings with his pride and the sadness of his place filled in his work.It truly inherited the emotional and artistic qualities of  Profound And Forceful Depression  Style since Du Fu in the Tang Dynasty. The life experience of  Sailing in the North and South in the Middle of the Life  is a spiritual world that is painful.Destructiveness is the emotional expression of softness and latent inversion, which deepens the connotation of Xin Jia-xuan's poem sullen and frustrated in reality.The experience from north to south, recalling and dreaming back to youth,  thinking of the feats of the northern battlefield in youth, the mirror image of  Northwest,Shenzhou and Chang'an  emerged, which formed the basis of Xin Jia-xuan’s work style.Nostalgic pursuit, emotional rise and fall, set up his sad and frustrated emotional fulcrum, radiating the sad and gloomy sentiments of the past and present.When he was laid off,there is still a contradiction between avoiding the world and indignation. In the dimensions of north to south, official career ups and downs, history and reality, Xin Qi-ji's  acceptance view,home country view,ancient and modern view,  and  hidden view  together constituted an important mechanism for his  profound and forceful depression  style of work.
keywords:Xin Qi-ji  profound and forceful depression  formation mechanism
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