引用本文:周刚志,罗 芬.论区域法治文化:类型、理据与发展方略——以湖湘法治文化为范例[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2020,(4):137-143
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周刚志,罗 芬 (中南大学 法学院,湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:区域法治文化  社会主义法治文化  湖湘文化  湖湘法治文化
On Regional Culture Nomocracy: Types, Rationales and Development Strategies——An Example of Hu-xiang Culture Nomocracy
Abstract:From the historical evolution of nomocracy in various countries, the construction of nomocracy belief and philosophical epistemology foundation, it is normally suggested to classify the  Regional nomocracy culture  into several types such as  European rationalism nomocracy culture  ,  British and American empiricism nomocracy culture  and  Singapore authoritarianism nomocracy culture . China's Socialist nomocracy culture belongs to the  new rule of law culture , with distinctive  Chinese  characteristics and  socialist  connotation. Compared with national nomocracy culture, regional nomocracy culture such as  Hu-xiang culture  is an important part of Chinese socialist nomocracy culture. It is not only an important measure for Hunan and other provinces to promote the construction of regional nomocracy culture, but also important content of the construction of socialist nomocracy culture in China.
keywords:regional nomocracy culture pedigree  socialist nomocracy culture  Hu-xiang culture  Hu-xiang nomocracy culture
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