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欧阳友权1,严立刚1,2 (1.中南大学 文学与新闻传播学院湖南 长沙 4100832.湖南工业大学 法学院 湖南 株洲 412007) 
中文关键词:新媒体文艺  产业化  动势
The Trend and Significance of the Industrialization of New Media Literature and Art
Abstract:The trend of the industrialization of new media literature and art is mainly reflected in the following: paid reading has become the main mode of website profit, a new form of full copyright operation has been formed, and advertising fees have become an important source. To realize the industrialization of new media, we must correctly grasp the process of the new media industry chain, rationally resolve the conflict between technology and humanities, and pursue the quality of content. The industrialization of new media literature and art has promoted the diversification of art, enriched the choice of literature and art, contributed to the maximum benefit of literature and art and helped to enhance the attractiveness of literature and art works. The process of industrialization should avoid excessive manipulation of literature and art by market rules. It is necessary to achieve rigorous selection of literature and art, to pay attention to the diversity of literature and art, and to promote the healthy and prosperous development of new media literature and art.
keywords:new media literature and art  industrialization  momentum
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