引用本文:黄 金.5G时代跨屏收视测量标准的融合进路[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2020,(4):155-160
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黄 金 (中国政法大学 光明新闻传播学院北京 100088) 
中文关键词:5G  收视测量  跨屏测量  第三方监管
Convergent Approach to Cross-screen Audience Measurement in 5G Era
Abstract:5G era audience will be used to watch videos on different screens. Audience rating measurements are not fit for all video streaming industry. A new  currency of video market  should be set up. The solutions to data fusion rely on the cost reduction and technological developments. However, data barriers among market players bring difficulties to measurement criterions.Chinese governments should make progress on systematic issues of cross-screen video audiences’ measurement when they are working on 5G policy framework.
keywords:5G  rating measurement  cross-screen audience measurement  the third-party supervision
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