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邓洪波,周文焰 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:书院  圣谕宣讲  教化
Transforming the People into the Common: The Academies of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Oracles Preaching
Abstract:During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the oracle preaching was one of the core content of grassroots education, forming a complete set of preaching system. The oracle of the academy is divided into two levels: inside and outside the academy. The form of communication within the academy is mainly in the form of hand copying, recitation, study, lectures and other forms. Outside the academy, on the social level, preaching the oracles inside and outside the academy does not avoid the participation of the common people, and even some academies hire special personnel to preach the oracles to the general public, and this spread is not just about preaching, but more about Confucianism with the oracle as the core Orthodox ideas guided throughout society. At the clan level, often clan academies also write sacred oracles in their genealogy to popularize and promote the clan. Taking the academy as the core, the oracles inside and outside the academy have the combination of universality and popularity, the unity of hierarchy and pertinence, the diversity in form and the flexibility on the occasion. The sacred oracle preaching with the academy as the core keeps the academy highly interactive with local society and clan, and even makes the academy a center for spreading Confucian ideology and culture to a certain extent. The Confucian ethics and norms of the Confucianism through the proclamation of the oracle and the demonstration of the guidance of scholars, the participation of the public, penetrated into the entire society, and became a strong force for social integration and social control.
keywords:academy  oracle preaching  education
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