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易学尧1,向玉乔2 (1.长沙理工大学 建筑学院,湖南 长沙 4100762.湖南师范大学 道德文化研究中心,湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:道德记忆  建筑道德记忆  现代建筑
The Moral Memory Bearing Functions of Architecture
Abstract:Architecture is a kind of practical art, which can give the subject rich aesthetic feeling through the resonance of architectural space and the subject's own background. Personal moral memory plays an important role in architectural aesthetics. Architectural moral memory initially comes from a specific individual, but through the accumulation of time, it will eventually become a collective moral memory. Architecture has the characteristic of inheritance and the ability of inheriting moral memory. The architectural aesthetic activities of human beings highly depend on their own architectural moral memory. Most of the buildings bearing moral memory have the function of historical and moral education. From the perspective of moral memory theory, modern architecture has weakened the function of bearing human moral memory, and even destroyed the function of building moral memory. Contemporary architects should not only learn from human architectural moral memory, but also leave valuable architectural moral memory for future generations.
keywords:moral memory  architectural moral memory  modern architecture
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