引用本文:陈 洪 兵.以因果共犯论检视承继共犯的中国问题[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2020,(6):117-124
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陈 洪 兵 (东南大学 法学院江苏 南京 211189) 
中文关键词:承继共犯  因果共犯论  抢劫  绑架
On China’s Problem of Succeeding Accomplice with the Theory of Causal Accomplice
Abstract:The focus of the theory of succeeding accomplice is whether the latter actor should bear the responsibility of accomplice to the former act and its result. There are few supporters because the total affirmative theory obviously violates the theory of causal accomplice; The finite affirmative theory is that the state or effect caused by the former behavior is equal to that caused by the latter behavior, which is also against the common sense of causality that the result cannot appear before the cause behavior, and is not reasonable; Anyone is only responsible for the result of infringement of legal interest which has causality with his own behavior. Therefore, the theory of total negation is the inevitable conclusion of the theory of causal accomplice.
keywords:successive complicity  causal accomplice theory  robbery  kidnap
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