引用本文:易 玲,邢家仪.重混创作行为的著作权法规制研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2020,(6):133-139
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易 玲,邢家仪 (中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:重混创作  转换性使用  默示许可  创新共享协议
Research on the Copyright Law of Remix
Abstract:In the digital age, remixing not only promotes the development of China's cultural and creative industry, but also gives rise to many copyright problems. The corresponding measures can regulate the re-mixing creation behavior. First of all, the rules of "transformational use" in the American fair use system can be used for reference to regulate non-profit remixes. Secondly, the implied licensing mechanism is introduced in specific cyberspace such as remix music and video. Finally, other remixes that are not suitable for regulation by fair use and implied license can be dealt with by creative sharing license agreement.
keywords:remix  transformative use  implied license  creative commons
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