引用本文:张 靖.美国反垄断法对掠夺性购买的规制及其启示[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2020,(6):140-146
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张 靖 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:反垄断法  掠夺性购买  买方垄断  社会福利净损失
A Study on the Regulations of Predatory Purchase in American Antitrust Law
Abstract:Predatory buying or predatory bidding is the practice of increasing the prices paid for an input and the quantity purchased to injure competition and earn monopsony profits in the input market and output market. The predatory buying can be a rational strategy to eliminate competitors, that is to say, a monopsonist with monopoly power can increase profits and deadweight social welfare losses by engaging in predatory buying to injure firms that are competitors in both the input and output markets. Because monopsony pricing invariably causes distortions in both the input and output markets, and input suppliers and consumers are equivalent antitrust victims, antitrust law should condemn predatory buying practices that lead to monopsony pricing.
keywords:antitrust law  predatory buying  monopsony  deadweight social welfare loss
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