引用本文:金 春 峰.论儒学与诗的发展流变[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(1):15-23
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金 春 峰 (人民出版社北京 100022) 
中文关键词:孔子;汉代;建安风骨; 陶潜  生话的诗化
On the Development and Changes of Confucianism and Poetry
Abstract:This article uses several development stages of the history of poetry: Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi to the Han Dynasty, Jian'an Style, Tao Qian, and Du Fu, Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty to illustrate the evolution of poetry—its content and form are inherently related to Confucianism. The internal reasons for the emergence of the special features of the above poems are all due to the changes in Confucianism. Confucius made a conscious reflection on poetry, affirmed the importance of lyric poetry to life, and pointed out the direction of poetic life. Mencius and Xunzi turned poetry into politicized and epic, which led to the establishment of Jian'an style, which directly affected the prosperous Tang. Tao Qian's pastoral poetry makes life poetic realization, and opens up a new genre of fresh and natural lyric poetry. The nature of Tao's poetry is the freedom and joy of Confucianism, which is"enjoy the breeze among the rain altars, and return home singing", not the mountain and forest nature of Zhuangzi. "Unrighteous and rich and noble, like a cloud to me." "A gentleman is worried about the ethics but not about the poor" is the spiritual character of Tao Qian's poems. Most of the history of literature has been attributed to Tao Qian in Zhuangzi, which is wrong. Commenting on poetry is the interpretation of poetry is closely related to the spiritual cultivation of the critics.
keywords:Confucius  Han Dynasty  Jian'an Style  Tao Qian  poeticization of life
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