引用本文:马 天 平.基于应急管理功能和传统文体功能的体育场馆价值分析[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(1):84-92
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马 天 平 (北京体育大学 体育商学院北京 100084) 
中文关键词:体育场馆  应急功能  期权价值
The Value of Sports Stadium in Emergency Management and Traditional Cultural and Sports Functions
Abstract:In addition to the traditional stylistic value of sports events, sports stadiums also have emergency management value in the fight against epidemics. If the initial development is not considered properly, it will be difficult to play a role in emergency. If it is achieved through secondary transformation, it is faced with the problems of high transformation cost and down marginal value. Due to the non-linear characteristics of the future value changes of sports stadiums, this paper specifically uses the option method to include emergency management functions during sports stadiums development, based on its low correlation with stylistic functions, combined with the three factors of secondary development cost, welfare value difference and marginal rate of return, to form an analysis of the value of sports stadiums that include emergency management functions in addition to the value of traditional sports stadiums . This paper found that the emergency function has a small correlation with the traditional stylistic function, which can increase the value of the sports stadiums, even if it has adverse factors such as a small daily welfare value and a decline in the marginal rate of return. It is recommended that when constructing sports stadiums, emergency functions such as anti-epidemic and disaster relief should be fully considered in addition to traditional cultural and sports functions to increase the value of the sports stadiums.
keywords:stadium  emergency management  option value
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