引用本文:喻 中 文.风景名胜区管理机构公职人员职务犯罪案件分析——以纪检监察与诉讼程序的衔接为中心[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(1):148-154
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喻 中 文 (湖南大学 湖南经济与社会发展法律研究中心湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:风景名胜区  职务犯罪  纪检监察  程序衔接
An Analysis of Duty Crimes by the Officials of Scenic Spots Management Agencies——Focus on the Connection between Supervision Procedures and Litigation Procedures
Abstract:By using the judgments concerning duty crimes committed by officials of scenic spots management agencies from Chinese Judgment Online, empirical analysis is carried out on the basic characteristics of duty crimes committed by the officials of scenic spots management agencies and the trial practice of the connection between supervision procedures and litigation procedures. The results show that, the duty crimes of the officials of scenic spots management agencies have continued to occur in recent years, and the occurrence and development of crimes has a strong correlation with the development of tourism industry. At the same time, it also revealed the problems in the connection between supervision procedures and litigation procedures. The problems are mainly manifested in the identification of lighter punishments and the legality of the evidence obtained in supervision procedures, and further caused the intervention of the supervision department which cannot effectively achieve its goal of improving the efficiency of the trial.
keywords:scenic spots  duty crimes  supervision procedure  procedure connection
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