引用本文:陈宏平,刘 振,刘雨果.媒体融合背景下联合匹配度和媒体类型对媒体品牌联合评价的影响研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(1):155-160
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陈宏平,刘 振,刘雨果 (湖南师范大学 新闻与传播学院湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:媒体品牌  品牌联合  联合匹配度  媒体类型  媒体融合
Effects of Media Types and Alliance Fit on Co-branding Evaluation of Media Brand in the Context of Media Convergence
Abstract:By constructing and selecting the appropriate media brand, this paper conducts experimental research on the combination of different media brand groups by two experimental groups, and uses the softwares of statistical analysis to analyze the obtained data, verifies the proposed hypothesis, and finally draws the research conclusion. Firstly, alliance fit of media brands is a two-dimensional structure, which is mainly reflected in content fit and brand fit, both of which have positive effects on the joint evaluation of media brands. Secondly, the co-branding evaluation of cross-category co-branding is higher than that from the same category co-branding. In the context of media convergence, the relationship between traditional media and new media is from substitution to complementarity.
keywords:media brand  brand alliance  alliance fit  media type  media convergence
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