引用本文:李 福 标.从明末清初岭南僧人文集看华首系的律学成就与传戒活动[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(2):30-36
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李 福 标 (中山大学 图书馆,广东 广州 510275) 
中文关键词:华首系  文集  开戒  戒律学  救时
On the Achievements and Activities of Preaching the Discipline of the Religious Sects Huashou from the Collected Works of the Monks in Lingnan in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties
Abstract:At the Late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, the Buddhism of Lingnan was the most prosperous. Dinghu is famous for its Hongzan Buddhist law school, which has the reputation of attaching great importance to the precepts of Dinghu among the Lingnan, while Huashou is a large Buddhist cave in Lingnan,where there are many eminent monks under the natural Buddhist throne, its style only to 'point directly to the heart, sees the nature of Buddhahood' for the purpose, it seems that the Buddhist discipline is not very demanding. In fact, it can be seen from the extant collected works of eminent monks, they attach no less importance to precepts than Dinghu. Although there are no such experts as Hongzan, there are quite a lot of precepts written by them, and they are not popular for historical reasons. The precepts of Huashou monks were especially frequent and had great influence. Compared with Dinghu School, the discipline of Huashou school has its own distinctive features, showing a strong sense of saving time and making an important contribution to the revitalization of Buddhism in Lingnan.
keywords:religious denomination  anthology  ordained a monk  study of discipline  to save society
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